Experimentation and the wonder of a wire and QRP

This weekend allowed me the chance to start experimenting and playing with the radio equipment that I own. 

I decided to rearrange the shack and get the FT-847 ready for some portable ops in the spring, as a part of that I wondered how it might perform on the attic dipoles so decided to move it to the bed side shack location. OK it is a little bigger than the FT-817 but it is only to experiment and will be moved ready for portable soon after experimenting. My very understating XYL hasn't complained yet but I did get "that" look that so many of us radio obsessed folk get when we are playing radio. You can see the temporary setup in the image. 

I was really pleased with the success of this radio on 2w SSB QRP operation. The RX on this radio is a little better than the FT-817 at this noise swamped urban location. 

On Sunday I was pleased to work a few stations on the 817 and the 847. My best was 6W/MM0NDX using the 817 at 5w SSB on 10m and the attic dipole. The second best was a nice QSO and not just a 59 With Dieter DL8NDD/M who was shocked at the 2w out from the 847 into an attic dipole on 20m for a genuine 59 report and a decent exchange. 
I am always pleased and a little surprised by how effective lengths of thin wire and 2w of power can really be in making communications over a distance. 

I have been very busy in my day job as a college lecturer and radio has had to take a back seat. Thankfully I have been able to make a few contacts this weekend. I hope as the weather improves I can make the most of going out portable. I may even start to progress on a little more with my CW. 


  1. Good evening Alistair, for many years I had an attic dipole in my townhouse and was very successful with it. I had made some over seas contacts with as little as 100mW of power. They are an excellent option for antenna restricted areas. My blog has many pictures and posts from my attic antenna days.


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