QRPp Contesting, 500mw amazement.

I have been working a few stations this evening in the CQWW SSB contest, I have made my station basic and low power on purpose, it is all about the QRP challenge this year and my setup reflect the rewards that basic operating can give. I have worked the following stations already with 500mw SSB using the butternut HF9V antenna and patience. Of course it's a standard 59 report being in contest, a shame really that I didn't get a true report from the other side of the QSO. DF0HQ on 80m DF0HQ on 40m K1BX on 10m VY2TT on 10m RL3A on 15m RN3F on 20m The mission is to see if I can match Keith's (G0RQQ) 7 band 1000miles per watt award but over a weekend, I'm not far off. I may sneak onto 160m later or wait until morning for 12/17m although I have already got one qso for 1000miles per watt on 12m from a couple of weeks ago with an EA8 station. Keith has had a run if success on 10m with five 500mw contacts across the Atlantic. Hopefully more QRP...