A long break and some QRP fun

It has been a while since the pressure of modern life, a demanding job and a young family have allowed me to do much radio let alone blogging. I thought it was about time I updated and put some information online. It has been a busy month here with various things going on but I promised myself I was going to crack my morse enough to get me on the air. It has been tough and slow going so far but the push has meant that most days recently I have been making at least one CW contact. I had made a couple of contacts with W1AW/(portable) stations as QRP contacts but all I had to do was listen for my call, 599, TU. Not much of a challenge at all really, but, it was enough to get me on the air. My next mission was a proper contact with exchanged information. My very first CW contact of this kind was with IZ1POZ. Sadly half way though the exchange his batteries failed on his FT-817 so Paolo emailed me to assure me my morse was ok and that it was his fault we didn't fully complete the...